Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Good'Ol Sheppey.

A couple of weeks ago i returned home to find a letter with a picture of a pirates flag on it. It described what event was going on (didn't read it all) but in large bold letters it stated "...Explosives will be demonstrated outside the homes of Naval Terrace." In the early hours of the same morning a group of people, each one dressed as 'real' pirates ( 'real', as in, their costumes weren't from some cheesy fancy dress shop that was owned by a strange little lady with no teeth and greasy black hair) with dirt covered on their face and pretend swords, insisted i attend the mini festival through Bluetown (sheerness) over the weekend.
After being persuaded, i went.
Here are a few photos i took.


Then after, I watched the ENGLAND V GERMANY match that we lost.
wasn't surprised.
Then took a journey to loughborough.
Stayed in a weird hotel.
Then came home.

Was Good!